What you need to know about 401k loans & distributions


Not Available for all Plans, refer to your Plan Adoption Agreement Loan Policy or Summary Plan Description (SPD) to see if the plan has this provision.

Distribution upon the termination of employment

Whether a participant is changing jobs or retiring, one of the decisions they will need to make when leaving their job is what to do with their retirement plan account.  They will need to review their options so they can make an informed decision about removing their money from the retirement plan.

In-Service Distributions

Not Available for all Plans, refer to your Plan Adoption Agreement or Summary Plan Description (SPD) for detailed rules regarding when a participant can request or receive an in-service distribution from the Plan.  The SPD also describes the tax effects of such a distribution.

If your plan has opted to utilize our financial partner’s on-line loan or distribution solutions, plan participants can get started on initiating the loan or distribution through their online retirement account. The online loan and distribution solutions have numerous controls and authentication processes to assist in preventing a fraudster from accessing accounts and initiating loans or distributions.

How the process works

However, should you need to request a paper loan or distribution form, please let us know by completing the request form below, and we can forward you a kit.    

Please note:  

  • Some financial partners only allow for on-line requests, and paper forms are not available.

  • If the online solution is not used, and paper forms are requested, it is imperative that you validate the identity of the party that you are interacting with before signing off on any paper forms.